
FX Cash Flow Exposure Forecasting

FX Cash Flow enables finance and treasury professionals to create, analyze and manage accurate cash flow exposure forecasts.

A Collaborative Workflow Solution

Kyriba offers distributed access for upload, entry and verification of cash flow exposure forecast data. All forecasts from the field are collected and rolled up into a consolidated master forecast where cell-level annotations can be created for communication and collaboration with audibility.

Drill-down capabilities give access to source data and help facilitate top-level reporting. Additionally, cell-level variance metrics allow teams to prevent errors at the time of entry, instead of catching them after decisions have been made based on incorrect data.

An End-to-End Platform

The cloud-based workflow solution provides a single platform where all teams can log in and upload or directly enter their forecasted metrics. Additionally, forecasters start with a baseline forecast to ensure everyone is working from the same, single version of the truth.

Eliminate Process, Timing and Error Risk

By eliminating process, timing and error risk, Kyriba helps organizations develop more efficient and accurate cash flow exposure forecasts. All historical and current data is stored and available to the company with proper version control, ensuring everyone is looking at the latest, approved data. Additionally, each forecaster can receive real-time feedback, increasing collaboration and transparency between the field and central teams.

For the process owner, reporting metrics are available to show the progress and completeness of the overall process with granular detail into where a submission has yet to happen and what percentage of the total value of the forecast those gaps present. If errors are not caught until post analysis, they can be traced down to the cell level, and acute training and feedback can be provided to remedy/prevent future mistakes.

Forecast Analytics

FX Cash Flow gives users the ability to perform exposure analysis at every level of the organizational hierarchy with real-time grouping and summing.

Forecast-to-forecast variance analysis compares the current forecast to the previous forecast to clearly identify percentage and absolute changes. With this, users can quickly and efficiently identify errors and/ or significant changes from one period to the next.

Forecast trend analysis depicts how single-period forecasts change over time, providing opportunities for education and forecast process improvement.

Hedging and Trade Preparation

Corporate hedge decision strategy (e.g., target ratios, materiality, rounding, etc.) is consistently applied to automate the calculation of hedges based on the approved cash flow forecast. Following hedge approval, trades are automatically prepared for onward submission to a liquidity provider or trading platform. Control and governance within the application can further enhance the cash flow hedge accounting process.

Kyriba Analytics for Cash Flow Exposure Forecasting

Business intelligence brings innovative graphical forecast analytics to FX Cash Flow, including comprehensive currency exposure and forecast comparison visualization, bringing people closer to the data they are working with and empowering them to make better decisions.

Kyriba Analytics takes raw data and transforms it into useful business information. By having detailed, timely, easy-to-interpret information, organizations can make better, faster decisions.

The customizable dashboards, reporting and data visualization available allow treasury organizations to understand and manage currency risk in real time. Additionally, these functionalities can be used to help recognize problems before they occur, avoid losses and track currency trends for the future.

Kyriba Analytics combines strategies, processes and technology to support informed business decisions. By transforming static data from spreadsheets into charts, graphs, pivot tables and dashboards, treasury can make faster, more informed decisions with visual and dynamic reporting.

Grasp the Complete Picture

  • Evaluate the accuracy and consistency of forecasts provided by the field
  • Assess forecast evolution to see how forecast and hedge ratios have changed over time

Gain Control of Your Business

  • Gain confidence in data quality at a glance by connecting and transforming data
  • Detect and understand underlying details not easily uncovered in spreadsheets or other forecast tools

Make Informed Business Decisions

  • Incorporate business cycles and seasonality to make better hedging decisions
  • Leverage business insights gained from detailed data to drive better program results

Kyriba FX Cash Flow solution quantitative benefits

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