Fiches d’information

Kyriba Value Engineering Services

L'approche Value Engineering (analyse de la valeur) de Kyriba est un service d’évaluation du contexte de nos clients, qui fournit une analyse des gains potentiels métier apportés par Kyriba.

Le processus de Value Engineering commence dès la phase d'évaluation et se poursuit tout au long du cycle de vie du projet pour assurer aux clients l’obtention du plein potentiel de leur choix de la plateforme Kyriba et par suite du retour sur leur investissement.

The Value Engineering process is designed to help client organizations identify, understand, justify and realize business value from key cash and treasury management processes digitally enabled by Kyriba solutions.

Value Engineering is offered to select customers on a complimentary basis as a way to ensure agreed to business outcomes are achieved. The Kyriba Value Engineering team deploys over 200 customized client engagements annually.

The three phases of the Kyriba Value Engineering methodology are: Value Discovery, Value Monitoring and Value Realization.

The Kyriba Value Engineering Lifecycle

Value Discovery
Conducted early in the evaluation process. During this phase, Kyriba Value Engineering will work collaboratively with client teams, including an executive sponsor and key cash and treasury stakeholders, to identify key challenges, select and prioritize improvement opportunities, design the optimal solution, and develop a case for change, including financial returns, investment requirements and strategic benefits the organization can expect.

Value Monitoring
Post implementation, Kyriba will work with clients to define key success criteria, including leading and lagging indicators, adoption best practices to ensure they are achieving the business benefits they have agreed to during the Value Discovery phase. Value Monitoring engagements are designed to be short in duration and typically deployed once or twice a year, depending on customer preferences. Monitoring cadence typically takes place quarterly or semi-annually, depending on organizational preferences.

Value Realization
This phase is designed to help Kyriba clients evaluate success achieved, document best practices and business benefits, and identify the next cash and treasury management opportunities that need to be pursued to accelerate value creation.

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To ensure each Value Engineering engagement is executed efficiently, Kyriba has invested in expert resources with deep management consulting, business process transformation, industry, finance, and treasury management experience. The team also uses state-of-the-art tools and processes to ensure relevant content, including financial benchmarks and industry best practices, is leveraged during each phase of the Value Engineering lifecycle.

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