Regulatory Compliance

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Regulatory Compliance at Kyriba

Kyriba Corp., and its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their employees and agents are committed to complying with all applicable global laws and regulations. Kyriba’s Code of Business Conduct requires that Kyirba, its employees and anyone acting on its behalf, conduct business ethically and in a manner that is compliant with the company’s policies and procedures to minimize the risk of inadvertent violations of law, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, and to preserve and protect the Company’s reputation.
Kyriba maintains a robust compliance program designed to prevent, detect, and fix ethical and regulatory compliance risks through effective implementation of policies and procedures, controls, education and training, auditing and monitoring, and investigation and discipline. Kyriba will cooperate fully with governmental investigations and take corrective actions as necessary to address any violations. Kyriba policies apply to Kyriba Corp., its subsidiaries and affiliates, and each of its officers, directors, and employees; they are to be observed and strictly complied with in every aspect of Kyriba’s business with respect to all domestic and international operations. For additional information on Kyriba’s commitment to compliance with applicable laws and regulation, please refer to the icons below.
The Legal Compliance Department is responsible for overseeing the implementation, monitoring, and enforcement of the compliance program and its policies and procedures. For questions about the program or its policies please contact [email protected]

Obligation to Report

Kyriba Corp., and its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their employees and agents and other third parties are expected and obligated to raise good faith concerns and to report all activity that may be in violation of applicable laws or fails to comply with Kyriba's policies and procedures. Reports can be made either through Kyriba's Ethics Hotline or by contacting Legal Compliance at [email protected]. All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with law, Company policy and the requirements necessary to conduct an effective investigation. Anonymous reporting is available via the Ethics Hotline, for those individuals who do not want to be identified (with certain exceptions for some European countries.) The Company takes all reports of potential misconduct seriously and will promptly investigate all reports to determine whether a violation of policy, procedures or the law has occurred, and will take necessary action. Kyriba does not tolerate reprisal or retaliation of any kind for reports made in good faith or cooperates with an investigation.

Whistleblowing Policy

Kyriba maintains and updates annually a Global Whistleblower Policy (“Speak Up Policy”). Kyriba is committed to nurturing an environment in which all individuals are treated with the utmost respect and professionalism. Our policies strictly prohibit any kind of discrimination, harassment and retaliation and apply to all employees, officers, directors, agents, consultants and contractors (“Company Personnel”) of the Company. The Policy contains important guidance regarding the reporting and investigation of complaints.
This Policy: (1) reinforces Kyriba’s commitment to creating a safe, positive, and productive work environment for Company Personnel and ensuring consistent administration of remedial action; (2) encourages Company Personnel to immediately report in Good Faith any actual or suspected activity that he or she considers to be unethical, dishonest, illegal, or in violation of Company policy, or is otherwise improper (a “Report”); and (3) provides a safe and reliable channel for Company Personnel to submit Reports and to assist in any investigations without fear of retaliation and retribution
Reports can be made either through Kyriba's Ethics Hotline or by contacting Legal Compliance at [email protected]. All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with law, Company policy and the requirements necessary to conduct an effective investigation.

Kyriba's Code of Business Conduct

Kyriba’s Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is a fundamental set of rules and guidelines outlining our expectations for how we conduct our business with the highest integrity and ethics. The Code applies to all personnel employed by or engaged to provide services to Kyriba, regardless of level or position, including, but not limited to, Kyriba’s employees, officers, contingent workers (including agency workers), and independent contractors (“Company Personnel”). The Code contains guidelines and Company Personnel expectations, as it relates to various topics from protection of company property to compliance with applicable laws and policies and treatment of others, all aligning with our Core Values. Employees are responsible for understanding the legal and policy requirements that apply to their jobs and reporting any suspected violations of law, this Code or any Company policy.

Anti Bribery and Corruption

Kyriba employees, contractors and affiliates must abide by Kyriba’s Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy and all applicable anti bribery laws and regulations including the including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), II law (the French Anti- Corruption law), UK Bribery Act, the French Loi Sapin II law and relevant anti-money laundering laws (AML).
Kyriba employees, contractors and affiliates (“Company Personnel”), shall not give or offer to give any payment, item of value or other incentive to anyone, including any government official, in exchange for securing any sort of improper advantage including for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. In addition, Company Personnel must not accept anything of value in order to provide an improper benefit or to gain a business advantage. Kyriba maintains strict guidelines and best practices around the giving and receiving of items of value in its Gift and Entertainment Policy.

Sanctions and Export Control Laws

Kyriba is committed to full compliance with all applicable export control laws and sanctions regulations, including but not limited to those administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and equivalent regulatory bodies in other jurisdictions.
Kyriba will not engage in transactions with any person, entity, or country listed on any applicable restricted or denied parties list without the necessary authorization. Transactions involving embargoed countries, regions, or individuals subject to targeted sanctions are strictly prohibited unless a valid license or authorization is obtained. Enhanced due diligence is conducted for transactions involving countries, entities, or individuals subject to sanctions or where there is a higher risk of export control violation
Any suspected or actual violation of export control laws or sanctions must be immediately reported to the [email protected] and, if necessary, to the appropriate governmental authorities.
All employees receive regular training on export control laws, sanctions regulations, and our policies. Kyriba implemented monitoring and auditing procedures to ensure compliance with this policy and applicable export control and sanctions laws.
Non-compliance with Kyriba’s ABAC policies or applicable export control and sanctions regulations may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract.

Conflicts of Interest

Kyriba is responsible for knowing what conflicts of interest might exist and to manage, reduce, or eliminate those conflicts as it relates to its employees, customers and partners. Therefore, Kyriba maintains a Conflicts of Interest Policy which requires prompt disclosure of any situation that could give rise to an actual conflict of interest or appearance of and requires appropriate guidance and approval from the Legal Compliance Department. Kyriba will operate in accordance with its internal policies and promptly disclose to the appropriate parties any actual or potential conflicts of interest it is made aware of, including any business relationship and/or any financial interest of a Customer employee in Kyriba.