Kyriba Liquidity Performance Assessment

Is your liquidity performance solution the secret to your treasury team’s success, or is It holding them back?
Take the 5 minute assessment
  • Are you maximizing your liquidity potential?

    In the world of business, liquidity is everything. Many companies still grapple with outdated processes, fragmented systems, and limited cash flow visibility.

    Envision a treasury team operating seamlessly with comprehensive insights, optimized cash flow, and strategic agility. This synergy is the power of a robust liquidity performance solution, transforming treasury operations into a strategic business asset.

  • Assess your liquidity performance today

    The Kyriba Liquidity Performance Assessment identifies obstacles and offers actionable insights for improvement. Understand your firm's unique challenges to strategize effectively and streamline your treasury.

    In just 5 minutes, answer 8 questions to diagnose your current level of treasury maturity. Receive a personalized report benchmarking your performance and outlining steps to reach the next level of treasury transformation.

  • Unlock strategic value

    The Kyriba Liquidity Performance Assessment is your gateway to unlocking strategic value and operational excellence. By participating, you’ll gain a clear understanding of your current treasury capabilities and uncover areas for enhancement.

    Our tailored recommendations will identify best practices and technology solutions aligned with your goals. Experience how integrating fragmented processes into cohesive, efficient operations can empower your team to exceed expectations and adapt to market changes.

  • Transform your treasury operations

    With Kyriba, you gain a partner committed to your long-term success. Here's how companies like yours have transformed treasury operations into strategic assets after implementing Kyriba's solutions:

    • Cenveo achieved 93% accuracy in cash forecasting and a 90% productivity gain. 
    • Bray International realized 100% cash visibility and a 97% productivity gain. 
    • Hunt Companies reduced bank wire fees by 83%.


    Discover your treasury potential. Take the 5-minute assessment now!

    Take the 5-minute assessment now