Kyriba Risk Management: Three Steps to Reduce Volatility
Kyriba Risk Management: Three Steps to Reduce Volatility
Kyriba’s Risk Management minimizes the effects of market fluctuations on revenue, earnings and balance sheets. In three easy steps, Kyriba helps CFOs, treasurers and risk managers:
- Gather exposure data from the ERP system
- Quantify the impact of currencies on revenue and earnings, presenting this information in a clear and organized manner
- Take action to hedge or decrease net exposure
End-to-End Risk Management
With comprehensive pre-trade, trade and post-trade compliance, Kyriba effectively mitigates risk and trims hedging expenses, safeguarding against market volatility in currencies, interest rates and commodities. Kyriba facilitates:
- Exposure collection
- Exposure analytics
- Hedging policy
- Business Intelligence
- Orders executed on trading platform
- Position keeping
- Confirmation and settlement
- Valuation and effectiveness
- Hedge accounting
See how Kyriba empowers finance leaders to eliminate volatility and increase predictability of earnings, revenue and cash flow guidance.
For more details, watch the Kyriba Risk Management Product Video.